Friday 13 February 2015

GREECE SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN (Glasgow) public meeting

GREECE SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN (Glasgow) public meeting

Wednesday 25 February -7pm- Room 3

John Smith house 
145/165 West Regent Street, Glasgow G2 4RZ

Austerity in Europe and Greece- is there a way out?   Speakers Hillel Ticktin

all welcome !

Kostas Vlachopoulos

(Hillel Ticktin has written many articles on  Political Economy over a thirty five year period and is the editor of the journal Critique).

Syriza's election victory on an explicitly anti-austerity platform has the potential to transform not just Greek politics but the political situation throughout Europe. The meeting will look at how the post-2008 capitalist crisis has impacted on Greece, and at the challenges facing Syriza in attempting to implement its anti-austerity policies. We will also be discussing ideas about how to build support for the anti-austerity struggle in Greece.

Unite, FBU, UCATT, ASLEF, ATL, CSP, NUT, TSSA, Labour Representation Committee, Searchlight magazine are affiliates of the UK Greek solidarity Campaign.

Monday 9 February 2015


The aims of the Glasgow Greek Solidarity Campaign are to demonstrate practical International Solidarity with the working class of Greece at a time when protracted savage cuts have forced many into absolute poverty and destitution. We believe International Solidarity can play a key role in raising awareness of the dire situation the Greek working class has been forced into and help raise the morale of the Greek working class to fight-back and resist the on-going onslaught by the Troika .We welcome the election of a radical Syriza Government but our main focus will be on providing practical solidarity with the working class of Greece.

The Glasgow campaign has started to have organising meetings and is planning two public meetings - one at the end of February and another in April. We hope to have speakers from Greece for both these meetings.

Future plans include a Solidarity Appeal to the press in Glasgow and support for  Medical Aid for Greece. We are supportive of the UK Greek Solidarity Campaign and like them wish to encourage the support of trade union organisations including branches and Trades Union Councils.

There is a  Facebook page for news and debate:

If you would like to get involved in this vital campaign please get in touch via email:



Greek Political Parties
Analyze Greece (Syriza sponsored website)
Solidarity for All

Organisations, Campaigns
Sto Kokkino (Red radio) platform in English
Athens News (Weekly English language newspaper in Greece)
In Greece
Inside Greece (weekly articles by Nick Malkoutzis, deputy editor of Kathimerini)
Kathimerini English Edition (Greece’s only English language daily newspaper, published in partnership with the International Herald Tribune)
London Greek Radio

Attac France
ETUC (European TUC) website
Campaign for Peace and Democracy (USA) – US organisation building solidarity with the Greek People
Greece Solidarity Campaign

Sunday 8 February 2015


About us

Our purpose

Greece is at the cutting edge of the austerity measures that are being introduced across Europe. All the evidence shows that while these measures may protect the interests of the rich, they just make matters worse for the majority of the population.

What happens in Greece today will be repeated in Portugal tomorrow, and in Ireland and Italy the day after. In Britain, the Coalition government is pursuing similar measures which will see workers’ earnings cut, working longer for a smaller pension, the marketisation of education and the dismantling of the NHS along with other public services.
The Greek people have shown mass resistance to these outrages and we commit to build a movement of solidarity with them.